Tuesday, June 23, 2015

14 DPO Update

Well, my temp nosedived today. Still, I went in for my beta as scheduled since AF hasn't arrived. They proceeded to ask me if I'd tested at home. I told them I had and it was negative. At that point, they told me that they only do the beta after a positive urine test or after AF is late a week. I was ticked! I drove 20 minutes for them to tell me that?! Why couldn't they have told me that in advance so that I could've just called in?! It's not like I'm already irritated that it didn't work AND PMSing. They are trying hard to push me over the edge! Whatever. DH goes in next Monday for his re-analysis. Then we have to go in for a consult. So, I guess we'll know more later. For now, here's my chart that screams "AF is coming!"

On a lighter note, I have a trial on Thursday. So, Fx justice prevails! I could use an uplifting moment this week.

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