Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CD14 Night OPK

Starting to fade out! Maybe O is today. If not, tomorrow's BD should be well timed.


CD14 Afternoon OPK

My OPK is so positive today that I wish I'd waited until tonight to BD since DHs sperm doesn't regenerate quickly. Guess we'll BD again tomorrow night in case I still haven't Od by then.



Finally got a clearly positive OPK. I BDd last night. I guess I'll either O prior to Friday or I'll fit in one more BD Friday. I'll just have to wait and see.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

CD13 OPK Confusion

I don't want to miss my window but I also don't want to bd too soon with dh's sperm issues. It's so close but not quite there. I don't know what to do!



SO almost there that I'll retest tonight.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015


So, I'm taking all sorts of supplements this month (all 3 of the fertile aid supps), and I seem to be getting close to getting a positive OPK. I'm guessing 2 days. Here's the natural pic of today's OPK.

Here's the tweaked image.



Monday, September 21, 2015

2 Months Natural TTC; Lining Too Thin?

I'm super paranoid about these 2 months that I'm going au natural TTC. When the RE was looking for the fetus at my 6 week ultrasound, he mentioned that my lining was thin. My periods have gotten super light over the past year or two. (This month it was 3 days of light bleeding). So, now I'm afraid that my body just cannot sustain a pregnancy without injectables. I hope that's not the case, though. I'm so broke, I'm really praying for another miracle BFP - this one in the uterus.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


AF is finally here! This is the first time I've been so excited about her arrival since I started TTC. Then again, this was the first month that I was strictly ordered not to TTC. So, I'm jazzed to be back on the boat again. Woohoo! In 12-16 days, I'll be baby making!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wishful Thinking

I had some cramping today. I'm not really expecting AF until later in the week or into the weekend, but I started getting super hopeful with the cramping. Come on CD1!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

TTC Again

I saw my RE yesterday morning. He is pushing towards IVF but isn't opposed to a couple of rounds of IUI with injectables. He wants me to go through one cycle naturally. So, it's looking like in October I'll do my next round. Fingers crossed! Also, he didn't say I couldn't try naturally between my first post-MTX shot and my IUI round. So, we'll give that a go, too!