Friday, August 21, 2015

Diabetes Check

When they gave me the MTX shot, they did a full metabolic panel, and my glucose was high. So, they did a hemoglobin A1C test to check my sugars over the past 3 months. I'm not going to lie, I was a little panicked. Fortunately, the number came back 5.6. Anything under 5.7 is considered good. So, I'm relieved. I've been eating like crap, too. So, no complaints!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Beta is down to 42. They think it will be below 5 by Wednesday.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Last night I really started breaking down. The bleeding is traumatic. It's a physical demonstration of the loss of a child. So, I called a friend who lost 2 embryos after an IVF. She told me how she'd experienced the same thing. It amazes me how comforting a simple "me too" can be.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pregnancy of Undetermined Location

Well, I went to the Dr today and PUL is my official diagnosis. My hcg has plateaued at about 150. So, they know there are cells in there, they just don't know where they are since they can't see them on the ultrasound. So, they said I needed a shot of methotrexate. It's a chemo drug that depletes folic acid and will purge the cells from my body. The worse part is that I can't continue TTC for 3 more months. I'm so depressed.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I went for my ultrasound Friday and there was no sac. My beta was only 152. So, the pregnancy isn't viable. Now that I've had a couple days to sit with it, I wish I would just start bleeding already so that I can move on. I'm ready to have a viable pregnancy already.

Friday, August 7, 2015


I went in for an ultrasound yesterday. There was no gestational sac. They did s beta. It was 152. So, it's a CP.

I have to move past this. It's just so hard to imagine going back to TTC. And, now I'm going to be fearful that this will happen again. DH and I have decided that we will probably go back to the IUI route. It took us 15 months the first time and we aren't that interested in waiting that long again. Plus, something clearly went wrong on the natural route.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Well, my ultrasound is tomorrow and I am officially freaking out! I am ready to know but am so afraid of what I might find out. Fingers crossed that it's good news.

Monday, August 3, 2015


After I had a whole pack of digis read 1-2 and got myself and DH convinced that this pregnancy was failing, I tried one more from a fresh pack today. The result?

So, I'm not taking another of those infernal tests! I also took an FRER to see how dark or light it had become.



Sunday, August 2, 2015


DH and I went to Wecycle (a baby consignment store) yesterday. They had an amazing wood crib set on clearance for $1K (originally $1700). DH fell in love with it! Now he's talking about going to see if she will put it on layaway after we see a healthy ultrasound. I'm doubtful she will because it's taking up space in her shop. It doesn't hurt to ask, though!

Saturday, August 1, 2015


DH and I went to a baby store today and looked around. DH proudly said he thought he could rattle off all the things we needed for 1st year with baby. To my surprise, he did really well! Pretty much nailed it in fact.