Monday, November 16, 2015

Beta Hcg Results

483! I can't believe it! It's too good to be true!!! I'm celebrating in a big way. :) I go back in in 2 weeks for the ultrasound.

19 DPO

Well, this is the first of 3 big days - I get my followup beta number in an hour and a half or so. 

Then, my second big day will be my first ultrasound. 

Then, if all goes well, my final big day will be the day I get the results of the harmony test. 

I'll update with beta hcg results soon. 

Friday, November 13, 2015


So, I should have an HCG level of at least 40 today. I pulled a couple of pics online of FRER from someone with an HCG level of 49.1 and one from a woman with an HCG level of 70. Mine is definitely between the two!

Here's the pic of the 49.1 HCG.

Here's the pic of the 70 HCG (bottom test)

Here's my test from this morning.

16 DPO

Walmart cheapie and wondfo



16 DPO

So, if you're wondering why I'm still doing DPO rather that week's + days pregnant, it's because I've decided to wait to do anything confirming my pregnancy (adding tickers to my board signature for example) until I get confirmation of a sticky bean Monday.

My line today is starting to lighten up the control line. That's exciting stuff! Also, I missed my period as expected yesterday. So, today is the day that most tests are 99% accurate. So, it's reassuring to have a nice bold positive.

Also, my temps are up to the above 98 range over the past 2 days! Yay!


Thursday, November 12, 2015

15 DPO

Here's my progression on the super sensitive ICs from Tuesday to today.


15 DPO chart update

Little temp spike last night. We'll see if it's here to stay or an anomaly.


15 DPO

My FRER looks similar to last nights. My weeks estimator popped up pregnant right away. So, I think that means I'm at above 25. That's good news bc I should be about 30 today if my doubling rate is 48 hours.



Wednesday, November 11, 2015

14 DPO update

I took an afternoon FRER and the results were fantastic! The line has gotten so thick!

Here's a progression photo of today's test compared to Monday's test.

Here's a very solid Walmart cheapie.

In short, I now have faith I'm doubling!


14 DPO

I don't know what to make of my tests this morning. The FRER is slightly lighter but I turned a dollar store test positive for the very first time.

Here's the progression pic with today on bottom.

Here's the dollar tree test.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I had a touch of spotting earlier. It scared the bejesus out of me! After a little bit of research, though, I discovered that it isn't that uncommon the get IB after a BFP as late as 10-14 days after conception.


13 DPO

Here's my progression pic.


And my Walmart cheapie!
And my wondfo.


Monday, November 9, 2015

12 DPO

I got a very faint test with fmu and started freaking out. Fortunately, my smu looked much better and darker than yesterday's.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

11 DPO

My first photogenic FRER!

And, my first decent show up on a wondfo.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

BFP on an IC at 10 DPO

I'm convinced now! Let's hope it's a sticky bean!


Waiting . . .

I'm so anxious! My midday tests are bfn (diluted no doubt). So, I can't wait for tomorrow's fmu tests to confirm today's tests!

10 DPO

Still neg on FRER BUT . . .




Friday, November 6, 2015


Well, I appear to have had a nasty wondfo Evap last night since FRER was bfn and I couldn't replicate it with fmu.

My temps are solid, though. So, I'm not out!